Polypropylene bag with polyethylene liner
24 months
Polypropylene bag with polyethylene liner
24 months
Polypropylene bag with polyethylene liner
24 months
Dried potatoes are produced in accordance with GOST 28432-90 and meet the requirements of TR CU 021/2011 and TR CU 022/2011
The dried potatoes we produce meet the requirements of the following regulatory documents:
This confirms the presence of a Declaration of Conformity. We provide product samples for laboratory tests at least twice a year, according to the results of which we receive a test report.
Dried potatoes are produced in accordance with GOST 28432-90 and meet the requirements of TR CU 021/2011 and TR CU 022/2011
Products are packed in 25 kg polypropylene bags and by agreement
We usually pack in 25 kg polypropylene bags to protect the product from getting wet and damaged during transportation. If the client wishes, the packaging of the goods can be changed.
You can read about the delivery and conditions of purchasing dried potatoes in the conditions of cooperation with buyers of dried products of TAV LLC.
Today potatoes & mdash; it is an everyday food product in most of the territory of our country. It would seem that what could be more affordable? And yet there are still enough places where potatoes are quite a rare phenomenon, first of all, we are talking about the far north, where potatoes do not grow at all. In this case, the consumption of dried potatoes is the best solution, since the product retains its useful properties for a long time and does not require large vegetable stores.
Dried potatoes are very rich in vitamins and healthy. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems, as well as on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. The product contains phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, various proteins, mineral salts and vitamins of the PP and C groups. Potatoes have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes a quick recovery from diseases of the stomach and duodenum.
Today, dried potatoes are used as an ingredient in soup sets, pates, main courses, side dishes, as well as in various dough and meat products.
Technologists of the vegetable drying plant Tav LLC They very carefully monitor the quality of the potatoes produced, this has already been appreciated by the Chuvash housewives: what could be more convenient than using dried vegetables in cooking homemade dishes? The time usually spent on washing, cleaning, cutting vegetables can now be spent on your beloved family members, because you just need to soak dried vegetables in water, and then boil, fry, bake like ordinary fresh vegetables.
Products are packed in 25 kg polypropylene bags and by agreement
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